Kilncare Kilns

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Kilncare IKON V46 KilnKilncare IKON V46 Kiln
Kilncare IKON V46 Kiln
IKON Range Features Ultra-efficient with an average 1280c stoneware firing using only 18 units of electricity. 1315c maximum temperature. (1200C on V61E) Triple section lid seal including anti draught rope seal, brick to brick and lid insert. Three layer chamber insulation including GX Micropore “super” insulation. Double layer floor insulation with full stainless steel under...
from £3,381.39 inc VAT
Kilncare IKON V61 GXR Kiln - UK PlugKilncare IKON V61 GXR Kiln - UK Plug
Kilncare IKON V61 GXR Kiln - UK Plug
Provided with U.K. three pin plug top and 2m lead Special features include: 4-layered insulation comprising of lightweight insulation bricks, 2 layers of micropore and 1 skin of fibre blanket to help lower running costs. Dual circuit safety and overfire protection High density non-ceramic fibre and Micropore Double layer floor insulation High quality Thermal Ceramic bricks made in...
from £4,001.91 inc VAT

Kilncare IKON V61 KilnKilncare IKON V61 Kiln
Kilncare IKON V61 Kiln
Provided with 2m lead and requires electrician to connect to single phase supply. IKON Range Features Ultra-efficient with an average 1280c stoneware firing using only 18 units of electricity. 1315c maximum temperature. (1200C on V61E) Triple section lid seal including anti draught rope seal, brick to brick and lid insert. Three layer chamber insulation including GX Micropore “super”...
from £3,700.90 inc VAT