Ashraf Hanna Super White Raku Body PF520
Firing Range: 900°C - 1280°C
The very best white raku body on the market. With over 58% molochite, this body can withstand the most extreme thermal shock. This is due to both the high alumina plastic ball clay and the three different grades of molochite. This body has very low shrinkage, a medium texture and is highly resistant to warping and cracking.
For more information on this clay,...

from £3.71 inc VAT
Low Fire White Earthenware Smooth VBP1
Firing Range: 1080°C-1160°C
An off white clay with a wide firing range. Suitable for throwing, model making and slab building.
For more information on this clay, please follow this link: Technical Data
Texture: 1
Fired Colour: Off White
% Total Shrinkage at 1100°C: 9.00
% Total Shrinkage at 1200°C: N/A
from £3.00 inc VAT
Scarva Earthstone Sculpture Pizza Oven Clay E-S180
Firing Range: 900°C-1280°C
A coarsely grogged clay with a beautiful open texture. Suitable for pizza ovens, raku, large sculptures, saggers and hand built items. This fireclay based body with corderite grog has very low shrinkage making it highly resistant to warping, cracking and thermal shock. Suitable for oxidisation and reduction firing. Coarsely grogged body. Low shrinkage. Highly resistant...

from £3.00 inc VAT
Scarva Earthstone Terracotta Crank E-S65
Firing Range: 1080°C-1220°C
ES65 Earthstone Terracotta Crank allows you to create large sculptural pieces. It is a beautifully textured, richly coloured, coarse grogged clay. ES65 Terracotta Crank is produced using a blend of Etruria Marls. This body has the excellent working properties of terracotta with the combined strength of a crank. The result is an exceptional body that is ideal for...

from £3.00 inc VAT
Scarva Earthstone Terracotta Smooth Textured Crank E-S75
Firing Range: 1080°C-1220°C
ES75 Smooth Textured Terracotta Crank is prepared to the same high standards as ES65 Terracotta Crank but offers a closer texture and smoother surface. It will take surface detail well, can be used as a coarse throwing body and is excellent for slabbing, handbuilding and tiles. Superb crank body. Coarsely grogged. Tremendous plasticity. Excellent for creating...

from £3.00 inc VAT
Sculptural Terracotta GVRS
Firing Range: 1080°C-1220°C
A newly developed clay containing a good degree of medium to coarse grogg. Gives open texture yet retaining a good degree of plasticity and has good resistance to thermal shock. Suitable for large sculptural work, gardenware, slab work etc. Good for modelling and hand building.
For more information on this clay, please follow this link: Technical Data
from £3.00 inc VAT
Smooth Body T.S Flax Paper Clay E-S200
Firing Range: 900°C-1280°C
Scarva FLAXpaperCLAY is very versatile, strong and flexible at all stages of the making process. Its reinforcing property with the flax fibre content allows the clay to be stretched without tearing. The fibres also seem to add tremendous strength to the sculpture as it dries and this gives a much greater handling ability before firing.
• Incredibly strong...

from £3.76 inc VAT
Smooth Red Terracotta VR
Firing Range: 1080°C - 1180°C
An extremely popular general purpose clay based on a blend of Etruria Marls. Good for throwing, modelling and casting.
For more information on this clay, please follow this link: Technical Data
Texture: 5
Fired Colour: Light-Dark Red
% Total Shrinkage at 1100°C: 12.30
% Total Shrinkage at 1200°C: N/A

from £3.00 inc VAT
Standard White Earthenware Smooth VBP3
Firing Range: 1080°C-1180°C
This body produces and excellent casting slip and gives good green fired strength. Suitable for once-firing.
For more information on this clay, please follow this link: Technical Data
Texture: 1
Fired Colour: White
% Total Shrinkage at 1100°C: 10
% Total Shrinkage at 1200°C: N/A

from £3.09 inc VAT
Terracotta 10% Sanded Red GVR10
Firing Range: 1080°C-1180°C
The VR terracotta with 10% addition of 40’s - 90’s sand, improves strength in throwing and increases resistance to cracking and warping especially on larger pieces. Used for throwing, hand -building, modelling & tiles.
For more information on this clay, please follow this link: Technical Data
Texture: 6
Fired Colour: Light-Dark Red

from £3.00 inc VAT
Terracotta 20% Sanded Red GVR20
Firing Range: 1080°C-1180°C
The VR terracotta with 20% addition of 40’s - 90’s sand, improves strength in throwing and increases resistance to cracking and warping especially on larger pieces. Used for throwing, hand -building and modelling.
For more information on this clay, please follow this link: Technical Data
Texture: 7
Fired Colour: Light-Dark...
from £3.00 inc VAT
Terracotta Body T.S Flax Paper Clay E-S800
Firing Range: 1080°C-1180°C
Scarva FLAXpaperCLAY is very versatile, strong and flexible at all stages of the making process. Its reinforcing property with the flax fibre content allows the clay to be stretched without tearing. The fibres also seem to add tremendous strength to the sculpture as it dries and this gives a much greater handling ability before firing.
Scarva FLAXpaperCLAY...
from £3.68 inc VAT
White Earthenware Grogged VBP2
Firing Range: 1080°C - 1180°C
This new grogged white earthenware is suitable for larger work containing an addition of white grogg increasing resistance to cracking and warping.
For more information on this clay, please follow this link: Technical Data
Texture: 1
Fired Colour: White
% Total Shrinkage at 1100°C: 10
% Total Shrinkage at 1200°C: N/A

from £3.00 inc VAT
White Earthenware PF580
Firing Range: 1080°C-1180°C
At last! Superwhite Earthenware, a white earthenware which throws as well as the best stoneware clays. A blend of carefully graded ball clays gives this clay body outstanding plasticity and strength. Being smooth, strong and very plastic, Superwhite Earthenware, is ideal for all production techniques including throwing, pressing and jigger and jollying.

from £3.85 inc VAT
White Earthenware Smooth Throwing Clay CWE
Firing Range: 1080°C-1160°C
CWE is a newly developed white earthenware clay containing highly plastic ball clays and china clays. It has superb throwing capabilities and is suitable for slab building. Good for throwing, modelling, and slab building.
For more information on this clay, please follow this link: Technical Data
Texture: 1
Fired Colour: Off White
% Total Shrinkage...

from £3.00 inc VAT
White Earthenware T.S Flax Paper Clay E-S400
Firing Range: 1080°C-1180°C
Scarva FLAXpaperCLAY is very versatile, strong and flexible at all stages of the making process. Its reinforcing property with the flax fibre content allows the clay to be stretched without tearing. The fibres also seem to add tremendous strength to the sculpture as it dries and this gives a much greater handling ability before firing.
Scarva FLAXpaperCLAY...

from £3.75 inc VAT