High Fire Mender 2oz High Fire Mender 2oz

High Fire Mender 2oz

£22.80 inc VAT



Repair, Attach decorations, Repair broken pieces, Fix hairline cracks, Attach greenware to bisque or attach bisque to bisque; High Fire Magic Mender is for porcelain and stoneware and may be fired to high temperatures.

INSTRUCTIONS for using High- Fire Mender: • Mix 2 parts slip or clay to 1 part High-Fire • Do not wet the piece to be mended. • Fill the jar with any High-Fire slip or Clay to the ridge on the jar. Mix Completely. Note: It is important to only mix one colour and type of slip per jar. Mark each jar with the colour and type of slip. Yield is 2 ounces once the desired slip is added. • Apply mender to both sides with a soft brush. Do not over apply. Press the pieces together — when mender bead out of the sides you have full coverage. Hold the pieces together (a minute or two) until they remain joined. • If Greenware: Remove excess immediately. Clean when semi-dry with a scrubby. • If Bisque: Let mender dry completely, then clean it as you would clean greenware. Fire the piece when mender is completely dry. You may apply colour before firing. Fire the piece to the same temperature as the slip or clay you mixed with the mender. Be careful When cleaning the piece once the mender is applied, as if it is still moist, the join will still be delicate. The Mender MUST be fried to be become a permanent fix. Please remember to keep the jar closed, and sealed properly as these menders have a great shelf life if kept under correct conditions. Once the firing has taken place, if the piece was cleaned well beforehand, you’ll never know the break was there

How to fix:

HARD SPOTS: Apply a thin smooth coat of mender over the area.

BROKEN STILTS: Apply the mender and fire.

HAIRLINE CRACKS: Dip brush in the mender and in some water so you have a flowing consistency. Allow the mender to flow into the crack, let dry. If you need a second application do so, then clean the piece, paint and fire.

Customer Reviews

By KatherineKingdon on 23rd May 2022
"This is a replacement for the pot that I've just used up. It last for ages and works really well."
Star Rating 5
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