High Fire Three Stilt Firing Stand 60mm
High Fire 3 Stilt Firing Stand
High Fire Three Stilt Firing Stand distance quoated is that between the bars.
Deisgned to aid firing small bowls and ball balls, simply upturn the piece and balance on the nichrome rod.
Recommended firing temp 1100degC.
They can be fired up to 1250degC but the vertical rods weaken the higher you fire them so be careful not to overload them. Heavy beads and pendants will cause the rod to bend, be careful not to overload. The stand will produce black residue upon the first firing, however this is just oxidation and will not effect the bead racks usability.
Customer Reviews
By Mark Cranfield on 23rd October 2024
"I've used these three stilt firing stands for many years now... gradually increasing the number I have. They never lose their shape and just keep going. First rate product. As soon as they're back in stock I'll be ordering more."

High Fire Three Stilt Firing Stand 60mm
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