Potted Plants Underglaze Transfer Sheet
One custom silkscreened underglaze rice paper transfer sheet for use on greenware or bisque pottery. These extra large sheets come with a usable area of 48cm long x 33cm wide compared to the more common 8.5" X 6.5" sheet, making them excellent for larger plates and cutting into strips to wrap all the way around a few mugs. They can can be fired to any temperature and work well in gas, wood, or electric firings. I typically fire to 1222°C (cone 6) with a clear glaze on top. I have also fired them to cone 11 in a reduction kiln with great success. These decals are designed and made exclusively by Elan Pottery.
Level of ease to apply - Easy
Customer Reviews
By EmmaEdwards on 9th November 2023
"Lovely design and really easy to use. Would have given 5 stars however I ordered green and when I used it today it was actually black. Still looks lovely though!"

Potted Plants Underglaze Transfer Sheet
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