Smoke Mayco Stoneware Glaze

£14.41 inc VAT

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Smoke Mayco Stoneware Glaze
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1230°C (1st image): Smoke is an opaque grey-blue stoneware glaze with soft, subtle variegating hues. Application thickness strongly influences the fired color; surface texture will also produce variegation during the firing.

1300°C (2nd image):  Color changes to a variegated sage green with a glossy finish.

One coat creates a blue-grey haze over a weathered brown; Two coats intensify the grey cast while Three coats intensify the overall grey-blue opaque finish. Brown breaks on raised surfaces on the body.

Stoneware classic glazes offer the depth, sophistication and reliability to artists working from mid-range to high-fire temperatures. Many glazes will break over textures, revealing secondary colors and shades. Used alone, stoneware glazes produce beautiful color variations. One coat will allow the clay body to show through the glaze and two to three coats deeper the color. The choice of clay body, thickness of glaze application, firing process and temperature will affect the fired finish.

Size: 473ml Brush on liquid glaze.

Health & Safety

Manufacturers Recommendations: Dinnerware Safe indicates the fired glaze surface meets the FDA standards for food safe, the fired surface is free of surface texture that could potentially trap bacterial, and the fired surface is chemically durable. Please note, dinnerware safety is not defined by cutlery scratches. Finished ware producers bear responsibility for dinnerware safe testing their ware being sold into commerce. 

We at Bath Potters will quote the manufacturers recommendations, but if you intend to make ceramic dinnerware with selling in mind, then you would be best advised to get your wares tested.


Northern Testhouse:


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