Xiem Fluter Tool Set
Item: FTS-10344
Fluting Tool Set
Xiem Fluting Tool Set is a quick and easy way to make the concave surface textures for both functional and non-functional ceramics. It has three interchangeable blade sizes (S, M, L) to give artists the flexibility and freedom to create their work without the size limitation. The titanium bonded blades offer a superior cutting edge retention and rust resistant while the angled blade design provides a consistent depth and evenly smooth in every cut. They are three times harder than steel which makes them the ideal cutting edge for carving on a leather-hard clay. The ergonomic handle is comfortable to hold and will not roll off the table.
Set includes: 1 handle, 3 blades (small, medium, large)
Customer Reviews
By Daniel Butler on 8th April 2024
"Always a popular tool at workshops….so popular that I needed another to prevent fights breaking out over them !!!!"

By Daniel Butler on 8th April 2024
"Always a popular tool at workshops….so popular that I needed another to prevent fights breaking out over them !!!!"

Xiem Fluter Tool Set
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