Hexagonal Bed Of Nails 92 Pins
Item: BEDO
This hexagonal bed of nails is used to allow glazed ware to be protected all over, rather than dry footing items. Stilting ceramic pieces help keep moisture out of the ware and help against crazing. They are also a good aid against protecting the kilns shelves from glaze. Please note, to help prolong the life of your kiln furniture/stilts it is advisable to apply some batt wash periodically.
As a general rule we wouldn't recommend using the bed of nails to fire stoneware items. Due to the higher temperatures involved, there is a greater chance of the pieces fusing or slumping onto the stilts. Please use to stoneware at your own risk
Customer Reviews
By BabsKirby on 10th March 2023
"I've found these invaluable when firing pieces that have glaze on the bottom, as it really doesn't stick or ruin a kiln shelf. However, my last one broke into lots of small pieces when I used it in my raku kiln. It clearly couldn't tolerate the fast increase in temperature. I can still use the small pieces for small items. "

By BabsKirby on 8th March 2022
"It's transformed my firing and allows me to glaze the bottom of pieces and saved my kiln shelves. A small miracle. Why did no one tell me about these before. I love them. I have three now! "

By babskirby on 19th November 2021
"This has been excellent. I've not had any disasters since using it. And I've been able to glaze my pieces to the bottom. I frequently had pieces fused to my kiln shelf before. "

Hexagonal Bed Of Nails 92 Pins
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